Friday 25 February 2011


The talented 1st St Ives Scout Group, from Cornwall, is well on the way to completing the WD-40 Scouts DIY Activity Badge.

Scouts have been working on a whole range of different types of DIY, from gardening to painting and even interior renovation!

The group uses a piece of land known locally as ‘Ayr Field’ that is run by Ayr Field Community Group.

1st St Ives Scout Group members voluntarily gave time to clear the ground, and help the Ayr Field Community Group with planting new trees and shrubs. The group also played a vital role in helping to design the new Ayr Field play area.

The skilful group has even made bird boxes for the St Ives town’s gardens. They are now making bat boxes for them, in order to create good habitats for the local wildlife.

However, the biggest project by far is the full renovation of the Scout Hut.

Last year the Scouts, with the help of dedicated parents, painted the exterior of the hut, and now plans are currently on-going for work on the interior.

Scout Leader, Ian Sanders, said: “When we are finished we hope to have a welcoming hut which other groups will be able to use too. We are very excited about starting work on the inside of the hut; it is going to be brilliant when it’s complete.

“Our group has learned so much from the whole experience. I’d definitely say we’ve got a few budding tradesmen in our midst.”

The next stage for St Ives Scout Group’s DIY project is to install a new kitchen and toilet facilities. We hope to see them using our DIY online resource to make sure their skills are up to scratch!

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