Wednesday, 28 September 2011

1st Bridlington Scouts-The winners of our Community Clean Up competition

All’s well that ends well!

We were thrilled to handover £500 to 1st Bridlington Scout Group, the winning group of our Scout Community Clean Up competition. We were even more pleased to also hear that the group completed our WD-40 Scout Badge and passed with flying colours too!

WD-40, multi-use, product named the Bridlington Scout troop the winners following a nationwide search of Scout Groups who had used their DIY and Scouting skills to help clean up their community.

The competition was launched to celebrate WD-40 multi-use product’s sponsorship of the DIY Scout Activity Badge and online interactive resource that teaches DIY, safety skills and tips on how to clean and protect your tools following projects.

1st Bridlington Scout Group’s use of DIY, scouting skills and their long term commitment to local community projects and groups in the area is what has won them the award.

The dedicated group works with the Salvation Army preparing and cooking meals and helping those in need.

They’ve organised a dog show from start to finish for their community and made pancakes for their local Allotment Association and the church. The Scout Group’s work with Hilderthorpe Allotment Association saw them revive a plot of derelict land and make high quality signs following vandalism.

They’ve managed a charity shop, whilst staff were taking a much needed break and even built a wildlife pond for the local people to enjoy.

In addition, 1st Bridlington Scout Group has a long term commitment to cleaning projects across Bridlington, to make the area a nicer a place to live and visit.

WD-40 Multi-use Product’s brand manager Amy Long said: “We were very impressed with the amount of projects 1st Bridlington Scouts are involved in.

“It is brilliant to see the younger generation learning DIY skills and using those skills to help the community.

“Our motto is WD-40 takes care of it and these Scouts fully encompass our beliefs.”

1st Bridlington Scout Group leader, Gary Trowbridge, said: “It is an honour to be awarded £500 from WD-40 for winning the competition.

“All of our Scouts love helping the community and for them to be rewarded for this is brilliant

“We are putting the money to one side for next year’s Scout camp and it will be used to fund our activities, it will be a great reward for all our hard work.”

We hope the group has a fantastic camp next year and enjoy taking care of themselves for a change!