Tuesday, 1 March 2011


Members of North Ayrshire Scout troop, 1st Ardrossan, have proved that they are next generation of DIY experts and have also earned their WD-40 DIY Scout badge.

The handy group has refurbished its Scout hall, which will not just benefit them but also the local community groups who use the hall including the Judo Club, the Stamp Collecting Club and the Amateur Dramatics Club.

1st Ardrossan Scout Troop with the help of its Scout leaders, none of which are tradesmen, has installed a new kitchen and WC facilities.

The group raised the money for the work by participating in fund raising activities such as bag packing in their local supermarket, in addition to funding support from Hunterston Power Station.

Originally, the group was going to use a contractor but funds were insufficient to pay for the time and labour.

Therefore 1st Ardrossan Scouts took on the challenge themselves and local companies have supported them by donating specialist tools such as jigs and routers.

The project saw them demonstrate a range of DIY skills including stripping out old fixtures and installing new ones, decorating the wall, doors and ceilings and installing new pipes.

However, safety always comes first so electrical work was carried out by a qualified Electrical Engineer for safety reasons.

The whole refurbishment project demonstrated key DIY skills that the WD-40 Scout badge includes, in fact this project led to them earning the badge.

Scout leader, Craig Mulholland (who also proved he had what it took to earn the badge!) said: “The project required a huge amount of hard work and effort.

“Along the way we have learnt new DIY skills and built on existing ones. By combining the refurbishment project with the WD-40 badge, provided great motivation for the Scouts and rewarded them for their hard work.”

Great to see the photos of the Scouts receiving their badges-well done guys!


Caring Scouts from Bromley are cleaning up gardens and at the same time making a positive difference to the lives of some terminally ill patients.

14th Bromley Scout Group has helped clear the grounds of children’s charity Demelza House in Eltham, in order to make way for new plants and flowers.

The green-fingered group have worked voluntarily to help make the hospice a nicer atmosphere for residents, whilst also improving the outdoor scenery. In addition, to cleaning up at St Christopher’s Hospice site to make way for the development of their new laundry.

The Demelza House Children’s Hospice helps life-limited or life threatened children or young people and their families benefit from a wide range of facilities that include the use of multi-sensory and soft play equipment.

However, 14th Bromley Scout Group’s kind and caring work does not stop there. They have raised £7,500 for children’s hospice, Demelza House, through fund-raising activities such as packing people's bags at the local supermarket and a further £2,228, for St Christopher’s Hospice.

St Christopher’s Hospice exists to promote and provide skilled and compassionate calming care of the highest quality. Their vision is a world in which all dying people and those close to them have access to appropriate care and support, when they need it, wherever they need it and whoever they are.

Scout leader, James Allen, said: “We are thrilled and privileged to help these extremely worthwhile charities.

“It is always a good thing, when the group can use skills they’ve learnt whilst being at Scout meetings, such as gardening and DIY.”